To Listen to Singing Bowls Click PlayAbove
The above recording came from an anonymous donator to YouTube.

Singing Bowl and Tingsha Bells
Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls or Himalayan singing bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs) are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting. and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. "The sounds are characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic)" Wikipedia
Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, and personal well-being and healing. Singing bowls were made throughout Asia, especially Nepal, China and Japan. They are closely related to decorative bells made along the silk road from the Near East to Western Asia. Today they are made in Nepal, India, Japan, China and Korea.
Listening to singing bowls is a form of meditation. You will listen piano music, classical music, nature and ocean sounds, birds singing, rain sound and all the universal ways to relax, meditate and clean the mind.
The singing bowl that I received came from Nepal and is made of a mixture of copper and brass and delicately decorated around the rim. It has beautiful, intricate cutting and imprints in and outside of the bowl. It comes with a soft donut, silk cushion on which it rests. You can get this marvelous bowl at http://www.amazon.com/Tibetan-Singing-Bowl-Set-Meditation/dp/B00XEV4WYM/ref=pd_sim_267_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0SRZF0P16C54DG2BNQN6

Singing Bowl Rest
How awesome, I never had heard about either of these. You taught me something new! :)
ReplyDeleteI have heard about singing bowls but never actually heard them - how awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteThey are amazing!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful singing bowl. We have one in our house, a well. They're quite beautiful.