Home, Crafts, Photography, Painting, Writing, FREEBIES

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Still looking for that IPAD 2!

Are you still looking for that IPAD 2 to magically appear in your hand? Me too. Enter the
giveaway at  www.lifeandmyfinances.com A simple entry and many other prizes besides the
IPAD2. So carpe diem,  seize the day to go after an IPAD 2

Friday, October 14, 2011


www.lovefromtheover.com is sending her love again in the form of PEEPS for her following peeps! Seize the day, carpe diem to enter this giveaway!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Another Chance....

Here is another chance to win a Gooseberry Patch cookbook. Rachel at "InRandom" is sponsoring a giveaway of 101 Hearty Recipes.  I have wanted this book for quite awhile and entered every giveaway there has been. Now I get another chance to win it, and so do you! Just hop over to http://www.inrandom.com and carpe diem! Seize the day and follow the Rafflecopter entry.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


                                      Doesn't this look like fall heaven?!

Christi, from the blog Love from the Oven, has won over my heart! She is sponsoring a giveaway of all things tasting of fall! Caramel Corn, Pumpkin Spice Marshmellows, Peeps, Apple Bread and so much more! I just found it, thank goodness, as it ends tomorrow October 10, 2011.

While you are there, do take a look around. Christi has a good number of tasty and cute and easy ideas: cake pops, rice crispy bars, cookies, pushup cupcakes. Her push up cupcakes are unique and to die for. I'll be spending more time at her site AND in the kitchen!  Carpe diem, this giveaway ends soon. http://www.lovefromtheoven.com

                                         Christi and girls

IPad2 and Cover Giveaway

Makobi Scribe is sponsoring a giveaway of an IPAD2 with Cover. Rafflecopter managed Sweet. Carpe diem to enter today!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lost and a Chance to Win a Quick and Easy Christmas

They announced the winners on tipjunkie.com, and no where did it say my name. I'm an adult. I've lost many times before. I cried. Again. Then went on a search for all die cutting/embossing giveaways out there today. I looked at my hopeless budget. I am determined to get one somehow, and it looks like I will have to use my 'by hand' skills to do so, at least for now.  Carpe diem, I'm seizing the day to create and then sell my wares, me hopes. Guess what I'm going to buy first? I live in hope.

There is another Gooseberry Patch giveaway through Mandy's Recipe Box (http://www.mandysrecipebox.blogspot.com). The giveaway is for the book that started it all for me, Quick and Easy Christmas. I met Gooseberry Patch when I saw this book, and it's been love ever since! I won it and then, sadly, it got lost in the mail. sniff. So I will carpe diem, seize the day to try to win it again.   Come on Mandy's Recipe Box, random picking robot, pick me!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


                                 GIVEAWAY AT http://www.tipjunkie.com

I might be crazy, but I am obsessed with getting a paper die cutting/embossing machine. After seeing what they can do, cut or emboss much more precisely and quickly than I ever could by hand, I have desired one to the point of tears!

I'd run out and purchase one, but I'm on a very, very tight budget due to being put on disability because this teacher cannot walk or stand which seems to be a dire necessity in a primary age classroom of active children. One needs to be able to chase after or run away from energetic students! I was told it was temporary and I'm awaiting county authorization for an operation.That was two and a half years ago and this temporary tight budget feels like it is becoming permanent. This is where the diecut/embossing machine comes in.

I have so many ideas from things I would like to do in the classroom when i return, to ways to make a little living money by making jewelry, cards and other crafty things, things that would be so much easier made with a diecut/embossing machine like the Cuddlebug.  Here are two pins I made all by cutting by hand.

 I'd love an Expression II, but I'd settle for the Cuddlebug. I bought an embossing folder by Cuddlebug and I use a tablespoon to press the design onto cardstock to make greeting cards and edges. Really! It works, but it has to be pressed very hard, another thing that is becoming very difficult with the onset of arthritis in my arms and hands.

I don't mean to complain about my physical condition, but I mention it so that those who read it will recognize my need as well as my desire. In plain language, owning such a machine would greatly improve my life. After the mythological operation, I intend to return to the classroom and use the machine to create fun lessons that the kids can do without realizing they are learning. I also want to continue my scrapbooking, jewelry and other crafts.  That is why I CARPE DIEM, seize the day, to grab my chance at winning this tool from http://www.tipjunkie.com

Friday, September 30, 2011

One more plug for the Sid the Science Kid giveaway at http://www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.com I'm hoping to win, but all the same, carpe diem! Seize the day to enter this contest!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I won! I won, I WON!!!

I keep posting about giveaways and I just realized, I have won a few too!  It all started on National Scrapbook Day of 2010 when submitting a scrapbook page in a contest at http://www.scrapbook.com I won a box of oodles of scrapbooking supplies. I entered because I didn't have very many supplies and thought, hmmm this may be fun. Not only did I win, I made a few good friends on that site with whom I continue to chat with.

 Then, last May, I won Quick and Easy Christmas by Gooseberry Patch from susieqtpies blog. I was so excited to have a Gooseberry Patch book. However, it never arrived, and when I inquired about tracking, my inquest was answered with susieqtpie telling me there was nothing that could be done, and that it had been lost in the mail. Sooo things happen.  I still want that book so very much. I'm sure it will come around with the holidays only three months away!

I also won Gooseberry Patch's new Tiny Tips Collection. It is a wonderful, cute collection of things to do to create a warm, cozy feel in your own home. You know, that warm, down home country feel you get when you go on Vickie and JoAnn's Gooseberry Patch site.  I could not believe winning two weeks ago and they have already arrived. I've been swimming in them and planning things for this house, to make it a home.

Now  you have a chance to 'win' this collection too. Gooseberry Patch is giving away $50 to a person who sends in their receipt proving they bought the collection.  See Gooseberry Patch for details.

I recently won another Gooseberry Patch book Recipes for Warming Hearts from The Country Cook.  Tina randomly choose my entry and was the first person to join my blog through Google Friend Connect. She assured me she is putting it in the mail asap. I can't wait, I'm in love, another Gooseberry Patch book.

I am hoping to win the big, Gooseberry Patch picture book, 101 Homestyle Favorites.  I have one more entry that I'm hoping on.

On my birthday, August 27, I received a gift, the Gooseberry Patch Book, Comfort Foods. What a thrill! That has got to be the most decadent of their books. If you have low bad cholesterol, this book may help raise it.  Tweet the recipes, literally, to your needs, but don't brush them off because of their richness.  So good. I haven't run into any I don't like.

Not only have I won books, but I won a wonderful, huge copper pot for holding a garden hose. I won it from Farmwives of America and Friends. They got it from Avant Garden, a unique place to buy one-of-a-kind garden items.

Isn't it wonderful and fun!!!! I love it!!

So next time you are sitting at your computer filling out form after form for giveaway entries and wondering why and if it really pays off....it does sometimes.  So if your spirit says, yes, I want that, seize the day, carpe diem and take a chance! You might win!! Speak of, I'm going to carpe diem and see if there are any other wins out there!

Sid the Science Kid

Sid the Science Kid video giveaway at http://www.twoboysonegirlandonecrazymother.com
The giveaway ends soon sooooo carpe diem, seize the day to enter!

Two boys one girl and a crazy mom have some really great giveaways, and I can't seem to stay away from there! She has many, and I mean many giveaways going at once. I see something interesting or just plain cute and there I am, jumping the Rafflecopter hoops hoping to win. This time its for a Gold Metal Flour cookie jar, sack of wheat flour (oooo i can smell my bread a bakin' already) and a slew of cupcake recipe. So Carpe diem, seize the day and go check out her blog http://www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.com. I'm sure you will find something you will desire!

Last Chance to Enter Giveaway for Angelina Ballerina

2 Boys + 1 girl = One Crazy Mom has done it again! She sponsored another movie giveaway: Angelina Ballerina. Today, September 29, 2011, is the last day. It's thru Raffelcopter and sooooo easy. Carpe diem, seize the day to enter this giveaway: http://www.twoboysonegirlandonecrazymom.com

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last Chance to win Thomas the Tank Engine Movie

September 28, 2011 - Last chance to enter to win Thomas the Tank Engine Movie : Day of the Diesel from www.twoboysonegirlandonecrazymom.com It's easy. It's run thru Rafflecopter! Carpe diem, one last chance to enter.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms and other giveaways

Yesterday, I blogged about a couple of giveaways sponsored by
TwoBoysOneGirlOneCrazyMom.com. On this site are many giveaways, but I chose to
enter a couple of dvd prizes: Thomas the Tank Engine: Day of the Diesel and Angelina Ballerina. Blogging each day until the contests gives three entries per day!

Today, I'm blogging about another Gooseberry Patch Recipe Book giveaway, Recipes for Autuwm. You can find this giveaway at makeaheadmealsforbusymoms.com There is one mandatory entry and about ten other ways to enter. Carpe diem, seize the day to
enter this giveaways!

Friday, September 16, 2011

2 Boys 1 Girl = 1 Crazy Mom

2 Boys 1 Girl = 1 Crazy Mom site keeps track of all sorts of giveaways. I am entering two, one that is giving away Thomas the Tank Engine: Day of the Diesel and Angelina Ballerina dvds. Each of the contests are run by Rafflecopter and are easy to enter. So carpe diem, seize the day and Give the Crazy Mom a visit! Enter the giveaway.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thomas the Tank Engine Video Giveaway!

Just ran across a giveaway for a Thomas the Tank Engine Video, Day of the Diesel on the blogsite www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.com I know, it's a handful to type, lol, but well worth it. Not only is she sponsoring this giveaway, but there are also many wonderful tips and activities for families and kids. Carpe diem, seize the day, to check out this blog!! Marie

Monday, September 12, 2011


Okay another gap in posting. I have been spending time entering giveaways to try and win a cookbook from the Gooseberry Patch Recipe site. It is the most awesome site ever. They are able to convey the warmth, coziness of down home country life through their site, their cookbooks and their videos. www.gooseberrypatch.com . Turns out this week, I won their Tiny Tips Book Collection!!! I'm so excited I could pop! I also received their Comfort Foods book for my birthday. Nice.  Now Old House Kitchen is giving a chance to win the Big Book of Home Cooking. Though I meant my blog to be mostly creativity, I am again, using it to blog for an entry in this great giveaway!  I so hope to win this book. I have seen quite a few of the recipes, and if ever there was a Gooseberry Patch book for recipes, this IS IT. Their other books, just as awesome and also filled with country ambiance. Check it out, you won't be sorry except that you will want ALL their publications!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I took a little break and creativity, how does it happen for you?

When I started this blog, I promised, myself, that it would be daily. Well. It's not. I found I had to take time out to actually be creative.  At least I can say that is where I have been.

The My Craft Channel giveaways are over and NADA for me. I remain doing all my cutting by hand. I have decided though to open an account on Etsy as soon as I build up an inventory of things to sell, and proudly, that is what I have been doing, working on those things, pins, masks, jewelry.

My birthday was August 27. I got some craft supplies, scrapbook edges, beads, stamps, stampers nothing trendy, but I will use them. 

My middle of the night spontaneous ideas have returned. I love it when suddenly, I wake with an idea of something I want to draw, paint, construct, etc. Sometimes I sit on the side of the bed, and bango, it appears before my face in the darkness. Am I unusual in that?  I haven't heard anyone else speak of that. It does happen, usually when I'm not worried about anything or trying to solve something else.


Friday, August 5, 2011

SNIFF Last Day My Craft Channel Cricut Giveaway!

Oh whoa is me! This is the last day of the cricut giveaway on My Craft Channel. I've become addicted to entering and fearful of the bummer it's going to be if I don't win the last cricut.  I've done my best to get the random picker's attention to choose me. I can only hope. Tweeting, blogging, posting, praying for a Cricut.

Well, tomorrow, I'll be back to scrapping, crafting, either way. I have been neglecting what this whole blog is about, seizing the day, to create! Carpe diem, to create, that will keep me happy and out of the dumps...but if i win, it will take my crafting to the elation level! Cross your fingers!

I have been working on my additional pages to my blog. I would like to design a header for each page, sewing, teaching etc. I have gotten the sewing header done, and I am trying to figure out, how to get that to work and be able to blog on it as well. If you have any tips, I'd love them. I'm just fumbling through this, successfully so far. Seize the day to create new pages for my blog!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


For 18 days I have been seeking the illusive Cricut, posting, blogging, tweeting, linking. Will my name be pulled in the next two days, God of Scrapbooking, i hope so. Why is having a cricut so important? It would help me beautifully process 1,000s of pics i have for my scrapbook. I could outfit my classroom and make some awesome projects with my kids. I would just pop to have one. Right now, I'm a scissors and paper person. I hope to move into this century!

My Craft Channel introduced Shelby Dredge as the host of Embellish It! and a tip a day on crafting and scrapbooking. I can't wait to see what all these talented hosts will bring! In any case I'm sure there will be many techniques offered to help seize the day to create! Carpe diem! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's the last few days of the My Craft Channel giveaway, and I am still waiting to see my name on the morning blog announcing my Cricut. lol I hope. Being disable has given me more time to do 'stuff' but less money to do so. Ironic. Used to have the means but not the time. Do things ever balance out? 

My Craft Channel has added a nameless Stamper host. Well needed by this teacher who only has stamped "good job" on her students papers. I have been meaning to google stamping and learn more. Why haven't I? I haven't had any crafting stamps. I bought some last month at Michaels for a dollar. The one's I love $15 to $20! from Hero Arts! They are worth it, and what I have seen people do with them, amazing.

I uploaded more pictures of my crafts to Flickr but did not see them in my slideshow on the blog. I'm hoping they are pending approval. I suppose there is another place or way to upload them so I am not limited on space. So today's goal is to go through the Blogger Tutorial and see what they say and find out what else I missed as I hit and missed my way through setting up my blog. I also need to find out how to get rid of the toolbox error messages decorating my blog. LOL Everytime I hear the ad on tv say, 'we can save you thousands of dollar setting up your blog or webspace' I am appeased with the no cost struggle. lol I am feeling better today. The legs, hips and arthritus taking a second row seat today. Who knows why, but it seems like its time to Seize the Day! Carpe diem to create!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MCC Update

My Craft Channel keeps adding hosts for their shows starting in September, 2011. The latest if Carolee McMullin and her daughters from http://www.adorneit.com They have a wide variety of crafts happening on their site from scrapbooking to embellished clothes and furniture. Me, I had a heart attack when I opened My Craft Channel and saw "Marie" being congratulated on winning a Cricut---but not this "Marie". Be still my heart. Maybe tomorrow? I can hope.

Finally adding pictures of my crafts tonight :) yay, the day I've dreamed of, sharing my 'stuff'. Let me know what you think! Thanks and carpe diem!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Craft Channel announces Craft Techie! Ana Cabrera

Checking with My Craft Channel to see if i won my cricut yet...nope, the site is still on hiatus but promises to announce winners today. Yesterday, they brought in Ana Cabrera, a crafter and a techie to the Craft Channel. If we are here on the net, we are all techies and crafters to a point! I'm looking forward to see what this gal will bring. Welcome Amy!

As for me, short on time, long on downloading my crafts. It will have to wait until Monday. I am heading out of town for a couple of days. Yay more pictures, more scrapbooking!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Craft Channel New Hosts Focus on Photography and Cricut Giveaway

My Craft Channel introduced two new hosts today, Amy Locurto and Angie Arthur of I Heart Faces. Amy and Angie will be providing thoughts, ideas and techniques on photography. I'm looking forward to their input as photography is a rather new pursuit of mine. I follow the Mortal Muses of the website of the same name. They provide daily challenges and inspiration which I follow to practice and focus on various elements and topics. Amy and Angie apparently focus on taking pictures that include faces. Angie also has a blog, The Arthur Clan, which is about her family. Will September come soon enough? That is the scheduled date that the Craft Channel begins.

The Cricut giveaway from MCC is apparently on hiatus for two days. No winners will be announced until Saturday. I still have great hopes of waking up and seeing my name in digital print as one of the winners. A Cricut would totally change my crafting allowing precision and speed to whatever it is I am doing. Fingers and toes, legs and arms crossed :)! 

Onto downloading, uploading my crafts to this new blog, and designing a birthday card for my son who turns 24 this week.  Happy Birthday Gabe! You are an inspiration with your life!  Carpe diem, seize the day to create!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Blog for My Craft Channel.com

My Craft Channel.com has announced another host who will demonstrate some crafting techniques come September, 2011. She is Amy Meeker of Second Sister Design. Amy has created a collection of unique jewelry pieces, earrings, necklaces, wrist cuffs and more. She has found a variety of beads and beading materials which she has cleverly made into lovely pieces which anyone would be proud to wear. Her work is inspirational. April is inspirational. She tells those who visit her site to "go and create something creative. Or if not creative, fulfilling.

I still have not uploaded all of my 'creations' on this blog, but will as I have some quiet time tomorrow.  In the meantime people, carpe diem, seize the day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am so excited to have this blog finally set up, as far as it is. I realize there is so much more to learn about blogs. I know I want to add pages for all my endeavors. I am a photographer, and I scrapbook my pictures. I love all sorts of crafts, and I am trying many different things. My recent endeavor has been jewelry. I have taken the free online class Jewelry 101 at http://www.spottedcanary.com, and I have been enjoying playing with the techniques they have provided.  Spotted Canary is a fun site and offers many how to's off and on. For example, I took the Decoden class and created a couple of pieces I hope to post here in my slide show. Perhaps a page on my decoden experience. Other pages I would like to add, as soon as I figure it out, lol, painting, cardmaking, drawing, sewing, writing, books I have read, movies I have seen, cooking i enjoy, and whatever else i may do.

My immediate pursuit has been of one of twenty cricut machines that are being given away at http://mycraftchannel.com . They are introducing 20 crafting hosts who will be sharing all sorts of crafting beginning in September.  They have introduced ten of their hosts already which means only ten more cricuts to go! I can't tell you how much I desire one of these machines that dye cut, emboss and probably do things I have never heard of!  One of the entries to win is to blog about their latest host being added to My Craft Channel.  So on the second day of my blog, I am happy to help My Craft Channel announce Angie Lucas and Wendy Sedley of Ella's Publishing, http://www.ellaspublishing.com as the newest hosts.

The other hosts introducted so far have been:  Kristine McKay, Founder of MCC, Stacy Julian of Photo Freedom, Kim Chistopherson and Kris Thurgood of DIY Dish, Christy Tomlinson of Art Redefined, Teresa Collins of Teresa Designs, Jennifer Hadfield, Beckie Ferrant and Heather Mann of Get A LIttle Creative, Britanny of One Charming Party, Heide Swapp, Create to Remember, Shelley and Cason Smiths of The House of Smiths, Amy Coon of The Paper Life, Kathy CanoMurillo of Crafty Chica.  That's alot of talent, and I am looking to September when the shows begin!  Go over to My Craft Channel and check out what all the excitement is about!

As for me, I plan to spend the rest of the evening uploading pictures of my creativity so that you can see that I am just an average person, learning and creating pieces that make me happy. Thank you for reading.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I looked all over my house, my computer, my office and realized, that my creative works were scattered all over my life. I realized that made it hard for me to see my accomplishments and even more difficult to share them with others for their critique and perhaps, dare I say, be their inspiration. I also realized that I would be more likely to make creativity a daily part of my life if I had a solid place to 'put' my creative endeavors.

Why create? Creating makes me happy. I feel useful, purposeful. If I don't do or don't accomplish anything else on any given day, if I create just one 'thing', I am likely to be happy, to have that lifesaver to buoy me through the night and journey to the next day, to 'seize the day', carpe diem, to create. Welcome to my world. Marie